Financial News

Wall Street’s stock market strategists have begun unveiling their targets for 2018, and the consensus is bullish. Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS, and BMO Capital are among firms telling their clients to prepare for double-digit gains in the S&P 500 (^GSPC). The basic narrative: domestic and international economic growth will continue to boost earnings, while low interest rates will keep valuations high. In a note to...

One of Wall Street's most vocal bulls sees trouble in the stock market. Raymond James' Jeffrey Saut is detecting a couple of red flags that could trigger a 5 to 10 percent pullback just in time for the holidays. The first is connected to the historic stock performance following President Donald Trump's election win. "One thing that nobody is talking about is the...

According to the World Bank, there are two billion people globally who currently have no access to banking services. There are many reasons for this: they may not have built up enough traditional credit history, they may have bad credit because of poor financial choices in the past, or they may live in an area where access to credit and...

BlackRock Chairman and CEO Larry Fink said Tuesday investors should expect only a 4 percent investment return with a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds. "We're talking about a balanced portfolio. We're talking about over a 10-year horizon," Fink said on CNBC's "Squawk Box." "Obviously, this year we are making far better because of the equity market return," he added, but warned some years could...

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here. Fintech hubs — cities where startups, talent, and funding congregate — are proliferating globally in tandem with ongoing disruption in financial services. These hubs are all vying to become established fintech centers in their own right, and want to contribute...

Bad market timing and poor stock picking kept most investors from fully reaping the gains of the bull market last year. "The average investor held too much in cash, was too concentrated in stocks that didn't perform well and avoided financial stocks that rallied last year," said Hart Lambur, co-founder and CEO of Openfolio, a social network with more than 70,000...

Several noted economists and distinguished investors are warning of a stock market crash. Jim Rogers, who founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros, went apocalyptic when he said, “A $68 trillion ‘Biblical’ collapse is poised to wipe out millions of Americans.” Mark Faber, Dr. Doom himself, recently told CNBC that “investors are on the Titanic” and stocks are about to “endure a...

A groundswell of concern is building on Wall Street that the U.S. stock market is in dangerously high territory. This week, the Nasdaq Composite hit a new high as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 remained in record territory — and they are up 28%, 18% and 16% respectively from a year ago. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 is...

The U.S. stock market is overvalued on most every long-term fundamental metric. Rising inflation and interest rates during 2017 would be bad news for stock pricing. The Republican push for trade protectionism could torpedo the economy and stock market. Hedged portfolios and greater cash levels may prove an intelligent strategy for the rest of 2017. Don't kid yourself. New investors in the U.S. stock...

The U.S. economy will enjoy a mild cyclical rebound in 2017, then return to a lower growth rate more in line with long-term potential. Gross domestic production, inflation-adjusted, grew at fairly tepid rates over the past three quarters. But jobs are increasing at a moderately good pace, with unemThe financial district in downtown Manhattan has been thriving. Buildings like Brookfield...