Founder & CEO
Vinh has been an institutional money manager and adviser to Ultra High Net Worth investors for over twenty five years with global financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley and Bank of America. A published author and professor, he has taught and given lectures at leading universities, including NYU, Wharton, Harvard Business School.
He has successful performance track records in
Tran has created “Smart Quant” to pick top-performing stocks, and the PMO engine (Post Mean-variance Optimizations) for asset allocations, risk management, and hedge fund evaluation. He had earned high acclaim for top performance by Fortune magazine, NY Times, and other publications.
He is Managing Partner of Pinehill Capital LLC, a strategy consulting firm; and Member of the Advisory Boards of alternative investment firms ACP Investment Group and Nyppex Private Markets. Previously, Tran was Director of International Investments for Aetna Life & Casualty, managing global investments and asset allocation strategies for Separate Accounts. He later headed a Global Fixed Income Group of funds at Morgan Stanley, then joined Bank of America as Senior Vice President of Global Wealth Management and Director of Alternative Investments advising and managing assets for institutional and Ultra High Net Worth clients. He was Vice Chairman and Deputy Chief Market Strategist of Sabrient Systems LLC, a quant research and investment firm with over $8 billion of assets. He was the Special Adviser of Vietnam’s Ministry of Science & Technology to help the country promote technology commercialization and VC networks.
Tran is author of Post MPT: Effective Portfolio and Downside Risk Management (Forthcoming); Market Upside Down: How to Invest Profitably in a Shrinking Economy, published by FT Press/Wharton School Publishing; Japan: A Cautionary Tale (FT Press eBooks) Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance (John Wiley & Sons) –recommended text by CFA Institute; Foreign Exchange Management in Multinational Firms (University of Michigan Research Press).
He has taught as adjunct professor at NYU Stern School of Business’ MBA program; at NYU Center for Global Affairs (M.A.); and as Visiting Scholar at NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate (M.S.) He has Ph.D. and MBA in Finance from George Washington University, and graduated magna cum laude in Business Administration and Political Science from University of Dalat, Vietnam.